Inscription ideas
Inscription ideas for your personalized jewelry
- I love you
- Forever Love
- Always & Forever
- With you Always
- NON MIHI, NON TIBI, SED NOBIS" (Latin: "Not for you, not for me, but for us")
- Semper Amemus
(Latin: Love Always, 'Our Love is Forever') - Da Mi Basia Mille (Latin: "give me a thousand kisses") – Catallus
- "...Cause in eternity there's no yesterday or tomorrow, but only Now" - Meister Eckhart, 1260-1328
- With our thoughts, we make the world – Buddha
- From the end spring new beginnings - Pliny the Elder
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - Lao Tzu
- What we think, we become. - Buddha
- Amor Vincit Omnia (Latin: Love Conquers All)
- Ancora Imparo (Latin: Still, I am learning"). Michelangelo is said to have said this near the end of his life.
- Carpe Diem! (Latin: "Seize the day")
- Semper Fidelis (Latin: Always Faithful )
- Temet Nosce (Latin: know thyself)
- Tempus fugit (Latin: Time flees)
Inspirational, uplifting or simply fun
- Choose happiness
- Keep calm and carry on
- Never ever give up
- You belong
- Be the change
- Blessed Be
- Never give up
- Namaste
- Follow your heart
- Listen to your heart
- Follow your bliss
- Miracles Happen
- Serenity, Courage, Wisdom (Serenity prayer)
- Eternity
- This too shall pass
- Just Breathe